the Best Memory Foam Mattress

First, let’s find out what was so different about a Tempur-Pedic mattress. Quite simply, it was a revolution in the mattress world. The Tempur-Pedic mattress was made like no other mattress, being made from one piece of visco-elastic material called TEMPUR. Originally, NASA had created visco-elastic for use in astronauts’ seats to help absorb G-forces. The material would yield to the exact shape of the astronaut thus helping to alleviate pressure points on the body. A small Danish company was quick to realize that, if visco-elastic could help protect astronaut’s bodies from extreme G-forces, it could also help people with back problems get the support they required for a comfortable night’s sleep: the world’s first memory foam mattress was born.

The therapeutic benefits of a Tempur-Pedic mattress have been attested by healthcare professionals. Testing by the Institution for Clinical & Physiological Research at the Lillhagen Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden of 23,000 patients for a period corresponding to approximately 8 years of clinical and in-home use concluded that the patients suffered from less pain and experienced greatly enhanced and deeper sleep. Over 30,000 medical doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists and osteopaths world-wide recommend the TEMPUR Mattress and Neck Pillow. Many experts agree that a memory foam mattress delivers the best, orthopedically correct alignment of your neck and spine. When you sleep, your spine should be in the same position as when you’re standing up: this is what a memory foam mattress does.

The Tempur-Pedic responds to both temperature and weight. When you first lie down on a Tempur-Pedic mattress, the first thing you feel is the lack of springiness that you will be used to from spring mattresses. Instead the Tempur-Pedic mattress feels firm. However, almost immediately, your weight and body heat cause the mattress to yield and form to the exact contours of your body.

So, what are the advantages of a Tempur-Pedic mattress? Unlike conventional spring mattresses, the Tempur-Pedic is suitable for all weights; you don’t need to buy a firmer mattress for someone heavy and a softer mattress for someone who is lighter. This also means that partners can do away with buying twin mattresses. As you’ve read above, memory foam mattresses are thought, by many healthcare professionals, to be the best type of mattress for providing optimum support. Many sufferers of back-pain have experienced the enormous improvement in their sleep when sleeping on a Tempur-Pedic mattress. Because a memory foam mattress doesn’t have springs, they are an excellent choice for people who suffer from being woken up from their partner’s movements; with memory foam there is no ‘wave’ motion that is experienced with innerspring or air mattresses.